U. S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development |
SEP 2 4 2002 |
MEMORANDUM FOR: Carolyn Federoff, President, AFGE National Council |
Of HUD Locals 222 |
an Mesewicz, Deputy Director, Labor and Employee |
Relations Division, ARHRL |
SUBJECT: Operational Protocols |
In accordance with Article 5, Section 5.02 of the HUD/AFGE Agreement, attached are the Department's Operational Protocols which are designed to guide implementation of the Delegations of Authority to Regional Directors. To facilitate your review of the Protocols, I direct your attention to page 15 which addresses outstationed personnel. |
Please submit any proposals the Council may have to the Headquarters Labor and Employee Relations Division within ten (10) calendar days of your receipt of this memorandum. |
If you have any questions concerning this matter, I can be reached at 202-708 |
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Attachment |
CC: |
Eddie Eitches, Headquarters Lisa Lowery, Knoxville Perry Casper, Portland Ann Taylor, Richmond John Noyes, Minneapolis Diana Lewis, Houston |
OPERATING PROTOCOLS To Guide Implementation of Delegations of Authority to Regional Directors |
Introduction |
In an effort to more clearly define lines of authority and to enhance the field's ability to accomplish the Department's management plan goals, the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, through the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management, have delegated substantial field office management and operational authority to Regional Directors, who in turn may redelegate this authority to the Field Office Directors. This includes the authority to manage the work environment and key operational and administrative functions in field offices; the authority necessary to coordinate program activities and take a leadership role in the establishment of overall field office initiatives and priorities; and the limited reallocation of resources needed to meet Management Plan goals and Secretarial Initiatives, or respond to urgent operational needs or opportunities. |
The formal Delegation of Authority to Regional Directors, as issued by the Deputy Secretary, is outlined in the Federal Register of March 26, 2002. These duties and responsibilities are further amplified in this document. These protocols, consistent with Departmental policy, spell out how the Regional Directors (RD), Field Office Directors (FOD), and Program Directors (PD), and their staff work together to achieve HUD's mission. |
All redelegations will be concurred on by the appropriate Regional Counsel and the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. All redelegations are effective on date of signature and will be published in the Federal Register. |
There are some protocols where the role of the Regional
Director and the Field Office Director differ. Where these differences exist,
the specific authority delegated from the Regional Director to the Field
Office Director is outlined. |
These protocols will be reviewed and updated periodically as necessary. |
Definitions |
Several generic terms are used in this document for purposes of brevity and clarity. These terms, explained below, are not intended to enhance or diminish the title or authority of any position, but rather to make the document more readable. |
Regional Director (RD): The Regional Director is appointed by the Secretary, and leads the HUD team in each multistate jurisdiction. Regional Directors report to the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. |
Field Office Director (FOD): The Field Office Director is the senior management official located in each field office. The Field Office Director reports to the Regional Director. |
Regional Directors and Field Office Directors, acting as the senior management officials in their respective offices, ensure that limited staff and other resources are used to maximum effect to accomplish Departmental priorities (Management Plan goals and Secretarial Initiatives) and that the component parts of each field office. (including program managers, ONAP Administrators, and outstationed staff) effectively function as a common enterprise to serve HUD's customers well and use resources efficiently. |
Program Director (PD): For purposes of this document, a Program Director is the ranking program person onsite in a regional or field office. Unless otherwise specified, subordinate onsite supervisors are not covered under Program Director. These protocols do not change existing program delegations. |
In this document, Program Director includes but is not limited to: CPD Program Directors, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Hub and Center Directors and Lead Equal Opportunity Specialists, Multifamily Hub and Program Center Directors, and PIH Hub Directors and Program Center Coordinators. Program Director also includes the senior supervisor onsite in the Offices of General Counsel, and Administration; Homeownership Center Directors and outstationed Single Family supervisors; and all other ranking program officials onsite. |
Remote Program Delivery: Remote program delivery occurs in field office jurisdictions where there are no onsite program staff to provide direct program delivery. This will occur in any field office jurisdiction where program services are provided from another field office. |
Remote Program Supervisor: A remote program supervisor is the program supervisor directly responsible for supervising employees located in another office. For example, a remote program supervisor for an outstationed Single Family employee may be located in the Homeownership Center; a remote program supervisor for a Multifamily Hub Director is located in Headquarters (HQ). |
I. Cross-Program Coordination |
• Developing and implementing Management Plans |
• Coordinating cross-program projects and Field Office Quality Management Reviews |
• Preparing briefing papers and Priority Issues documents |
• Leading disaster relief efforts |
• Consulting with program directors on major program decisions |
II. Personnel
• Providing input on the performance ratings of managers and supervisors within the region |
• Approving short-term details across program lines |
• Approving leave requests for managers and supervisors |
• Serving as part of the selection process for field program managers and supervisors |
• Acting as supervisor, or when necessary assigning a supervisor, for outstationed program staff |
• Managing and conducting labor/management relations |
III. Administrative
• Determining official office hours, opening, closing, and emergency procedures |
IV. Resource
• Managing the local, non-programmatic administrative budget, e.g., training, equipment, etc. |
• Approving program travel requests |
• Redistributing up to 20% of travel funds among program areas |
V. Representation
• Serving as the lead point of contact with local officials |
• Serving as principal point of contact with industry groups |
• Managing all inquiries and correspondence, including Freedom of Information Act requests, congressional and intergovernmental communications |
• Responding to all media inquiries in conjunction with Headquarters and the Office of Public Affairs |
• Coordinating onsite efforts for the local office's Web page |
• Monitoring and evaluating customer service |
• Entering into cosponsorship agreements, with the concurrence of the General Counsel and the relevant program Assistant Secretary or equivalent |
I. Cross-Program Coordination
Authority: The Regional Director is responsible for developing and implementing the Regional Management Plan. |
Each field office's Annual Management Plan articulates the strategies, goals, and milestones that the office and its remote program partners will pursue for the year in order to deliver HUD programs in ways that connect the Department's Annual Performance Plan with local community needs and opportunities. The Regional Director approves all Management Plans to ensure they adequately address national program goals and reflect effective strategies to meet local and regional needs. |
To a significant degree the plan forms a framework within which to exercise operational authorities delegated by the Secretary and Deputy Secretary. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD is responsible for providing leadership in the development and implementation of the Management Plan. This includes the assessment of local needs and issues through updated community profiles, development of the local plan, establishment of appropriate cross-program work planning and development activities, and management of administrative resources inorder to ensure that the plan is carried out in an orderly and comprehensive way. Coordination and administrative oversight of all Management Plan activities, including planning, monitoring, and reporting, remains with the RD or FOD. |
The RD and FOD will be jointly accountable with individual Program Directors for accomplishment of their national program goals of the Management Plan, as determined by the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. |
The RD or FOD has the authority to set resource priorities to ensure the accomplishment of all Management Plan goals, Secretarial priorities and other initiatives. He/she will take appropriate action to resolve problems and remove barriers to goal accomplishment. |
Program Directors: Program Directors are responsible for implementing the Management Plan program goals and guidance from Assistant Secretaries or equivalents, and working with the RD or FOD to plan, coordinate, and implement the office-wide Management Plan. It is important that all program areas and support areas be part of the planning and implementation of the Management Plan in each office jurisdiction. |
Remote Program Delivery: PDs will work with the RD/FOD to identify programs and services relevant to their jurisdiction and coordinate activities which ensure effective program delivery. |
I. Cross-Program Coordination
Authority: The Regional Director has responsibility for coordinating cross program projects and Field Office Quality Management Reviews. |
Regional Director
or Field Office Director: |
1. Quality Management Reviews (QMR). The RD or FOD is the principal point of contact to coordinate field office participation in the Quality Management Review. He/she will communicate and coordinate QMR reviews and visits with Program Directors, in conjunction with Headquarters mandates and requirements. He/she will serve as a coordinating point during the review, participate in the closeout conference, and oversee field office follow-up and reporting after the review. The RD or FOD will review the draft report prior to finalizing by Headquarters. |
2. a. Crosscutting issues and Secretarial Initiatives. The RD or FOD is responsible for managing a variety of projects and initiatives that cross programmatic lines or affect the entire Department. These issues may include Presidential priorities and Secretarial Initiatives, e.g., the faith-based initiative, or involve periodic local or interagency strategies/plans/actions, such as participation in disaster recovery efforts. |
2. b. The FODs will keep RDs and PDs informed about crosscutting projects, local work on Secretarial Initiatives, and other priorities. Where nonroutine or extraordinary issues arise, the FOD will ensure the RD is aware of the local issues. Should the RD or FOD and PD agree that additional resources are needed to help resolve a problem, the RD or FOD will coordinate the support of the appropriate staff, taking into consideration ongoing Management Plan goals and other major workload requirements. |
3. Maintaining relationships. The RD or FOD will take the lead in establishing and maintaining relationships with local representatives of other Federal agencies and local organizations that serve the area to enable coordination of programs and projects as needed. |
Program Directors: |
1. Quality Management Reviews. PDs will work with the RD or FOD to coordinate program responses and participation during the QMR. PDs will provide significant input into the response to the QMR report and initiate appropriate corrective action for their program areas. |
2. Crosscutting issues and Secretarial Initiatives. It is the responsibility of PDs to bring potential and immediate crosscutting local issues to the attention of the FOD in the jurisdiction where the issue is located. Initially, these discussions may be for |
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informational purposes only. If action is needed, the PD will work with the RD or FOD to respond appropriately. |
3. Maintaining relationships. The RD or FOD will take the lead in establishing and maintaining relationships with local representatives of other Federal agencies, e.g., Federal Executive Agencies (FEA) initiative, and local organizations that serve the area to enable coordination of programs and projects as needed. The PD will assist the RD or FOD, as needed, in working with local organizations on crosscutting programs and projects such as multiagency task forces addressing faith-based initiatives or other initiatives for a locality, state, or region. |
Remote Program Delivery: Program staff without onsite supervision will be managed by the RD or FOD based on an established performance/work plan developed and approved by the remote program supervisor. In instances where a work plan is not established, the RD or FOD will develop a work plan which will be communicated to the affected employee and the remote supervisor. |
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I. Cross-Program Coordination |
Authority: The Regional Director is responsible for preparing briefing papers and priority issues documents. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director : The RD or FOD is responsible for the preparation of office-wide reports and briefing papers on behalf of the regional/field office. He/she will request input from appropriate program staff to complete the reports. RDs or FODs will share copies of these reports with Program Directors. |
Program Directors : PDs will provide timely input to office reports, priority issues documents, and issues summaries as requested, excluding the provision of confidential information. PDs will share copies of weekly reports on their activities with the RD or FOD as appropriate. PD input will include information on major program issues and actions, funding decisions, and information on potential adverse impacts. |
Remote Program Delivery: PDs should be sure that the local FODs in all the jurisdictions they serve are aware of issues in the local jurisdiction. |
I. Cross-Program Coordination |
Authority: The Regional Director has the lead in disaster relief efforts. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director (RD or FOD): The RD or FOD serves as the principal point of contact, and will manage and coordinate HUD's field office response to disaster relief efforts, including staff assignments. He/she will manage office disaster relief efforts, including the Continuation of Operations Plan (COOP). This will include soliciting and receiving significant input and participation from Program Directors in the planning and development of a comprehensive field office disaster relief plan, and in the plan implementation and reporting. |
The RD or FOD will be responsible for assuring HUD's resources are made available to the declared disaster areas, as well as coordinate with other Federal, state, and local agencies in providing disaster assistance. The RD or FOD will prepare reports on local situations and field office response efforts. |
Program Directors (PD): PDs will carry out disaster relief efforts and provide RD or FOD support in the planning and implementation of disaster relief efforts. PDs shall be responsible for providing timely information, reports, and resources to ensure an effective overall office response. |
Remote Program Delivery: The FOD will involve all appropriate management team members in disaster relief efforts. Offsite PDs will work with the affected FOD to ensure a coordinated HUD response to a local disaster. |
Headquarters: Headquarters personnel, e.g., the Special Actions Office, will communicate national policy and HUD procedures for field disaster efforts and COOP activities to the Regional Director. |
I. Cross-Program Coordination |
Authority: Regional Directors can trigger Headquarters. review of significant field program decisions. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: Even though program decisions remain the responsibility of Program Directors, RDs or FODs have the authority to request a review of significant field program decisions. When the RD or FOD has a question or concern about a program decision, the RD or FOD and the Program Director should make an effort to resolve the issue locally. |
If a FOD and PD cannot reach a reasonable resolution to questions about a program decision, the FOD may raise concerns in a timely way to the Regional Director. |
If the RD and the relevant PD disagree regarding a major program decision, the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management may raise the matter with the relevant Assistant Secretary or equivalent. The relevant Assistant Secretary or equivalent will make the final determination, subject to review by the Deputy Secretary, if necessary. |
Program Directors: PDs are responsible for sharing information about upcoming or pending local or regional decisions in a timely way with the RD or FOD, to the extent that confidential information is not improperly disclosed. PDs will work with the RD or FOD to resolve issues at the field level. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. PDs must ensure the local FOD is aware of upcoming or pending decisions in his/her office jurisdiction in a timely manner. |
II. Personnel Management |
Authority: The Regional Director will provide input on the performance ratings of managers and supervisors within the region. To the extent practicable, 40% weight will be given to the assessment provided by the Regional Director. The performance for the Directors of the Homeownership Centers, Troubled Agency Recovery Centers, Administrative Service Centers, and the Regional Counsels will be evaluated within their respective organizations, with consultation provided by the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. |
A Departmental Working Group will develop
recommendations for a new performance based rating system for managers and
supervisors, to be implemented in FY 2003. |
The Offices of Field Policy and Management,
Administration, and General Counsel will work with program offices to resolve
technical issues related to implementation of this authority. It is essential
that all HUD management officials recognize the importance of program offices
and the RDIFOD working together to ensure seamless delivery of HUD programs
and services to our customers. Effective program delivery and the success of
each Regional management plan and goal accomplishment is contingent upon
strong cooperation among program offices and the Regional and Field Office
Directors. The performance elements for managers and supervisors will be
standardized in FY 2003 and will include: communications; customer service;
representation; EEO, a subject matter specific element; and a critical
element regarding overall management and supervision. |
Additional Exceptions: In addition to the organizational exceptions in the Delegation of Authority (as shown above), the following organizational units will continue to be evaluated by their respective organizations, with consultation provided by the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management: |
- CFO: Ft. Worth Accounting Center |
- Administration: Employee Service Center (Chicago) - Housing: Financial Operations Center (Albany) |
- Housing: National Servicing Center (Oklahoma City) |
- Public and Indian Housing: Special Applications Center (Chicago) |
-Public and Indian Housing: Section 8 Financial Management Center (Kansas City) - Public and Indian Housing: ONAP National Program Office Director |
- Public and Indian Housing: ONAP Administrators |
II. Personnel Management |
Authority: The Regional Director can approve short-term details across program lines for up to sixty days. |
There will be occasions that require an immediate response to urgent short-term problems, such as a critical staff shortage caused by extended medical leave, disaster response, or a Secretarial priority. There will also be occasions that present significant opportunities to advance local initiatives or enhance customer service. |
Regional Directors may approve short-term details across program lines for a maximum of 60 days. Under this authority, Regional Directors may redelegate the authority to approve 30 day details to Field Office Directors. |
All details beyond 60 days must be approved by the respective Assistant Secretary or his/her designee. Requests of extensions of details beyond 60 days should be submitted from the Regional Director to the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. The Office of Field Policy and Management will coordinate the review of these requests with the affected program office(s). |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD is responsible for ensuring sufficient resources are properly focused to accomplish the Management Plan and/or Secretarial Initiatives, and for ensuring that short-term problems and customer service issues are effectively addressed. |
A FOD may detail staff across program lines for a maximum of 30 days. At the request of the FOD, the RD may extend this field office detail for an additional 30 days, for a maximum of 60 days. The FOD and RD will take into account any impact on the affected program areas. |
Within the Regional Office, the RD may approve a short-term detail across program lines for 30 days, and extend it for a second 30 days. |
The RD or FOD will discuss personnel details with the appropriate PD prior to approval. |
Program Directors: A PD may request a detail through the RD or FOD. The RD or FOD will discuss the detail with the affected PDs prior to taking action. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. The FOD shall discuss the detail of an out stationed employee with the appropriate remote program supervisor prior to taking action. |
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II. Personnel
Management |
Authority: The Regional Director will approve leave requests for Program Directors. |
It is the responsibility of the Regional Director or Field Office Director to ensure his/her office is managed efficiently and effectively. In order to accomplish this, the Regional Director or Field Office Director must be aware of the status of key management officials in the office and may require attendance at certain times or events. Therefore, the Regional Director or onsite Field Office Director will approve leave requests for Program Directors. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD will approve routine leave (up to 3 days) for Program Directors in his/her office. Request for leave forms (OPM-71) will be provided, in advance of the leave, to the RD or FOD. The RD or FOD will act on leave requests in a timely manner. Emergency leave will be handled on a case-by-case basis. |
For leave beyond 3 days, the advance concurrence of the appropriate program official(s) is required. |
Program Directors: PDs will provide leave requests in advance to the RD or FOD for their action. PDs will ensure their program leadership is aware of their leave plans and status. |
Remote Program Delivery: Not applicable. |
II. Personnel Management |
Authority: Regional Directors are authorized to serve as part of the recommending and hiring process for managers and supervisors within their respective jurisdictions. The Assistant Secretary, or equivalent, makes the final selection regarding their managers and supervisors. |
Program Directors are key field office management team members. The Regional Director or Field Office Director will be given advance notification of program management vacancies. The RD or FOD will participate in the interviewing and recommendation process. The program Assistant Secretary or equivalent will be the Selecting Official. |
For positions that cross Regional jurisdictions, input will be coordinated through the Office of Field Policy and Management. The Selecting Official will contact the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management to obtain the necessary input. The Assistant Deputy Secretary may designate a Regional Director to participate in the process. |
For selections of supervisors below the Program Director in any office, the Selecting Official will notify the RD or FOD prior to announcing the selection. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: As part of the merit staffing process, the RD or FOD shall participate in the selection of Program Directors in his/her local office by participating in interviews to fill such vacancies. The program Assistant Secretary or designee is the Selecting Official. Prior to the interviews, the Selecting Official or his/her designee will contact the RD or FOD and make the necessary arrangements. The RD or FOD may not delegate his/her participation in the selection process to another member of his/her staff. |
Selecting Official: Prior to setting up interviews for selection of an office Program Director, the Selecting Official or his/her designee will contact the appropriate RD or FOD to make arrangements for his/her participation in the interview process. The Selecting Official need not use more than one RD or FOD in interviews. |
II. Personnel Management
Authority: The Regional Director will act as supervisor, or, when necessary, assign a supervisor to outstationed staff. |
All staff in a field office should have onsite supervision. The Regional Director or Field Office Director has the authority to act as, or assign, an onsite supervisor where employees do not have onsite supervision. |
Any change in working conditions for outstationed employees, e.g., assignment of an onsite administrative supervisor, must be completed in accordance with appropriate union contract requirements and must comply with Departmental Office of Human Resources guidelines. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: Where appropriate program supervision is unavailable onsite, the RD or FOD is responsible for assigning an appropriate supervisor to each outstationed employee. The RD or FOD may ask another Program Director to take on this assignment. If no appropriate supervisor is available, the RD or FOD will provide onsite supervision for an outstationed employee. Non-supervisory personnel cannot assume this function. |
Where a supervisor has been assigned, the designated supervisor will receive the employee's work plan from, and coordinate leave, time and attendance with, the remote supervisor. |
Remote Program Supervisor: The remote program supervisor will develop a work plan for an outstationed employee outlining assigned duties, performance requirements, and responsibilities under the Field Office Management Plan. The remote program supervisor will provide a work plan to the employee and the RD, FOD, or designated supervisor, detailing the employee's assigned duties, performance requirements and/or responsibilities. The remote program supervisor will provide ongoing technical direction and support. |
The RD, FOD, or designee and remote program supervisor will communicate regularly regarding any issues of work performance related to the outstationed employee. Both supervisors should be well informed of performance evaluation concerns, awards, training, travel, and other ongoing work issues. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same requirements as above. |
Exceptions: Any exceptions to local supervision must be approved by the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. |
Appeals: All applicable grievance procedures apply. |
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II. Personnel Management |
Authority: The Regional Director manages and conducts labor/management relations. |
The existing union contracts outline the requirements when formal actions are to be taken between management and the union. The Regional Director or Field Office Director is responsible for overall labor/management relations in his/her office. The Regional Director will take the lead on regional issues. Issues or specific questions should be directed to the labor relations staff in Human Resources offices of the respective Administrative Service Center. While the Assistant Secretary for Administration or his/her designee is responsible for national contract negotiations, at the local level the RD/FOD will conduct bargaining and communicate information to local union representatives in accordance with applicable union contracts. [See Departmental Delegation of Personnel Management Authorities.] |
III. Administrative
Management |
Authority: The Regional Director will determine official office hours, opening, closing, and emergency procedures. |
All employees in each field office should be aware of the official office hours for the office, as well as the procedures for an emergency closing, evacuation, how to handle security issues, customer service, and other office-wide procedures. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD is responsible for and has the authority to manage administrative field office operations, such as space utilization, parking, and other local issues. Relevant authorities also include: |
• Official office hours of operation |
• Emergency
office closings, e.g., early dismissal • Evacuation plans |
• Security |
• Internal
office communications of a general nature • Other items necessary for efficient office operations and effective customer service |
The RD or FOD, in cooperation with local Program Directors, will set procedures for general office operation. All procedures will be in compliance with established Departmental guidelines. Any changes to existing procedures will be made in accordance with the current union contract, as appropriate. All procedures will be fully communicated to all local HUD staff for effective and full implementation. The Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management will retain authority for office closings for non-emergencies. |
Program Directors: PDs will provide input to and cooperate with the RD or FOD to ensure smooth office operations. |
Remote Program Delivery: The local FOD has administrative authority over all onsite staff to enforce field office operations decisions, e.g., closing the office and sending all onsite staff home in the event of an emergency. |
IV. Resource Management |
Authority: The Regional Director is responsible for the management of the administrative budget for his/her jurisdiction, e.g. training, equipment, etc. |
The Regional Director or Field Office Director is responsible for ensuring his/her office is managed efficiently and effectively. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD has the authority to manage and administer the local operational budgets and to set priorities on allocating administrative funds provided to the regional or field offices by the |
ASCs. The RD or FOD will set office-wide priorities working with Program Directors. The RD or FOD will work with the ASC to ensure maximum effective use of the limited resources for the established local priorities. Funds will be expended in accordance with Departmental guidelines. The RD/FOD will work with the ASC prior to submission of the fiscal year budget proposal to assure local goals and needs are reflected in the budget. |
Program Directors (PD): PDs will work in consultation with the RD or FOD to establish office priorities. The ASC will provide technical assistance and support for the offices. The ASC will ensure that RDs and FODs are informed of the status and amounts of administrative funds for their respective regions and field offices throughout the fiscal year. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. |
Unresolved Issues: Unresolved issues will be addressed by the relevant Regional Director. |
IV. Resource
Management |
Authority: The Regional Director will approve program travel requests. |
The Regional Director or Field Office Director is responsible for managing local resources effectively to achieve completion of the local Management Plan, Presidential Priorities, Secretarial Initiatives, and routine program travel. Therefore, Regional Directors or Field Office Directors will approve travel requests by Program Directors. In addition, they will approve quarterly travel plans covering program staff travel. Where travel plans are not used, travel requests by program staff will be approved by Regional or Field Office Directors on a trip-by-trip basis. |
All Program Director travel must be approved by the RD or FOD, even where Limited Open Travel Authorities are in use. If Program Directors are traveling to another office jurisdiction, the local FOD must be notified. |
All program travel, including Program Director travel, should generally be consistent with travel plans as submitted for completion of the Management Plan. Travel plans for all staff will be updated and submitted by Program Directors at least quarterly and approved by the RD or FOD. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD must approve all travel orders for local Program Directors within their office prior to such orders being submitted to the program authorizing official. If a Program Director is traveling to another office jurisdiction that he/she serves, the concurrence of the impacted RD or FOD is required. |
Quarterly travel plans submitted by program offices require the approval of the Regional or Field Office Director. As necessary, the approving RD or FOD must consult with other affected RDs or FODs. |
Program Directors: The PD shall submit all travel orders to the local RD or FOD for approval prior to their submission to the authorizing program official. |
Authorizing officials shall not act on travel for Program Directors unless the RD or FOD has approved the travel. |
POs must complete the annual travel plan required by the Management Plan and do quarterly updates. These must be submitted to the RD or FOD for approval. |
Exceptions: In those instances where Headquarters is directing travel, the relevant Regional or Field Office Director will be notified in a timely manner. |
IV. Resource Management |
Authority: The Regional Director may redistribute up to 20% of travel funds among program areas. |
There will be occasions when travel by program staff has not been planned or funded, but is critical in order to meet emergency program delivery needs, or is desirable to address unique opportunities to advance Secretarial, or local initiatives. |
In order to facilitate such travel when a program area runs out of travel funds, the Regional Director or Field Office Director may redistribute funds from one program area to another. Redistribution from any one program area may not exceed 20 percent. These actions will more than likely occur toward the end of the fiscal year. |
All reallocations will be coordinated by the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management, working with Headquarters program office counterparts and the Office of Budget, CFO. |
Program offices will continue to fund routine program travel, including travel necessary for effective program delivery to remote Field Offices. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD will consider requests from Program Directors to reallocate travel funds to meet urgent needs or may initiate reallocations themselves. Prior to authorizing travel reallocations, the RD or FOD will consult with the PD whose funds may be reallocated in order to assess the impact of reallocations on program delivery. Once a decision is made to reallocate travel funds between program areas, the RD or FOD will coordinate with the Office of Field Policy and Management to implement the decision. |
Program Directors: Program Directors seeking reallocated travel funding will make their requests to their co-located RD or FOD. All such requests will address the nature of the travel, how the travel will advance relevant Management Plan goals, and indicate why the travel cannot be funded by the responsible program office. |
Remote Program Delivery: PDs will submit requests for reallocation of travel funds to their co-located FOD, following consultation with the remote FOD. FODs in remote offices who wish to initiate a reallocation of program travel funds will do so through the FOD co-located with the servicing PD. |
Headquarters: It is the responsibility of HQ program offices to fully fund travel to support the program delivery commitments reflected in approved field Management Plans, subject to budget constraints. In addition, it is critical to the accomplishment of national program goals and effective program delivery that travel funds be allocated to the field promptly each quarter. |
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V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director is the lead point of contact with local officials. |
It is important that the local HUD office provide coordinated customer service to all clients, and particularly to local officials. Therefore, the Regional Director or Field Office Director shall be the primary contact with local officials. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD shall serve as the primary contact with local officials. Contact with local officials shall conform to policies and procedures of the Offices of Public Affairs and Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations. RD or FOD is the signature authority for field office written communication to local officials. In states where there is more than one local field office, the RD will determine which office shall be the primary contact for state officials. |
The RD or FOD will keep the Program Director advised of contacts with local officials concerning program issues, as appropriate. |
Program Directors: The Program Directors will keep the RD or FOD fully advised of potential issues as well as routine programmatic contacts with local officials. If followup is needed to issues or contacts, the RD or FOD and PD will determine the appropriate action. Program Directors will prepare correspondence to local officials for the RD or FOD's signature. Ongoing program activities with local counterparts will proceed with the necessary guidance from the respective program Assistant Secretary or equivalent. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. Contacts with local officials are the responsibility of the local FOD. Written correspondence from remote program offices to local officials will be forwarded to the appropriate local FOD for signature. |
Exceptions: Contacts with local officials that are part of an Inspector General or FHEO investigation, or other sensitive matters of a similar nature. Protocols for contacts with tribal officials will be developed locally by the Field Office Directors and the Office of Native American Programs Administrators. These require the concurrence of each affected Regional Director. |
Letters received locally which are addressed to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary will be forwarded to Headquarters for coordination by the Executive Secretariat. |
V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director is the principal point of contact with industry groups. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: It is the responsibility of the RD or FOD to ensure that positive contact is successfully maintained with regional/local industry groups. |
This responsibility does not conflict with routine, ongoing contact with industry groups which is necessary for program administration. However, the RD or FOD must be informed by the Program Directors of regular industry group activities and of any conference participation scheduled for program staff. |
Program Directors: PDs will inform the RD or FOD of contacts with industry groups and of requests and opportunities for participation at public forums, meetings, conferences, and on interagency initiatives. In cases of multistate organizations, PDs will advise the Regional Director of such contacts. |
Remote Program Delivery: When a PD plans to meet industry group representatives in a specific field office jurisdiction, the PD will notify that FOD in advance. When a visit or contact is with a regional industry group or involves more than one field office in a region, prior notice must be given to the RD. |
V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director manages all inquiries and correspondence, including Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, congressional and intergovernmental communications. |
The Regional Director or Field Office Director is responsible to ensure congressional, FOIAs, and other controlled mail meet all Departmental guidelines for timeliness and responsiveness. The format for responses to controlled correspondence will follow Departmental policy, as outlined by the General Counsel, Executive Secretariat, and the Assistant Secretaries for Public Affairs and Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations. |
Letters to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary received locally will be forwarded to Headquarters for coordination by the Executive Secretariat. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD serves as the principal point of contact and manages inquiries and responses, including tracking and reporting Secretarial, congressional, intergovernmental, and FOIA inquiries and correspondence. The RD or FOD is the signature authority for correspondence referred to the field for response. |
Program Directors: PDs will prepare responses to inquiries and correspondence in accordance with Departmental policies and procedures. PDs will work with the RD or FOD to ensure correspondence deadlines are met. |
Remote Program Delivery: On all correspondence referred to the field for reply, remote PDs will send prepared responses to the local RD/FOD for signature. Written communication to local elected officials prepared by the remote PD are to be transmitted to the local RD or FOD for signature. |
Exceptions: Contacts with local officials that are part of an Inspector General or FHEO investigation, or similar investigation. Protocols for contacts with tribally elected officials will be developed between the FODs and the relevant ONAP Administrator. These require the concurrence of each affected Regional Director. |
V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director, as the Department's primary contact person in the field, is responsible for responding to all media inquiries in conjunction with Headquarters and the Office of Public Affairs. |
Regional Director: The RD will respond to all media inquiries, and public affairs requests/issues in accordance with Headquarters Public Affairs policy. He/she will keep Regional and Headquarters Public Affairs Officers informed of all media/public affairs issues, events, opportunities, etc., pending, anticipated, and in progress. The Regional Supervisory Public Affairs Officer will coordinate with the RD to ensure that public affairs activities comply with Office of Public Affairs guidance. |
RD will support Headquarters Public Affairs functions, as well as serve as the Regional spokesperson, as appropriate, in conformance with Headquarters Public Affairs policies. |
Field Office Director: As designated by the RD on a case-by-case basis, the FOD will respond to media inquiries, consistent with guidance issued by the Office of Public Affairs. |
Program Directors: Program Directors will continue to forward all media inquiries and public affairs issues to the RD or FOD as outlined in guidance issued by the Office of Public Affairs. |
Remote Program Directors: Same as above. |
Exceptions: As indicated by the Office of Public Affairs or the RD. |
V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director coordinates the administration of the web page and Internet sources. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD will ensure work on local web content will be carried out in coordination with the Field Web Manager (a regional position) to ensure that the information presented is current, accurate, and conforms to Departmental requirements. The web page will be organized to present a professional image and reflect favorably on the Department and the Field Office. The RD or FOD will certify quarterly to the accuracy of the web content, in accordance with current Departmental policy. |
Program Directors: The local web content must represent the entire office, and as such, each PD will provide accurate, timely updates for the state pages, the Region's hud@work page, and the kiosks. |
Field Web Managers: Field Web Managers will work with local field office contacts to ensure that the Region's web content is current and accurate, and conforms to Departmental policy. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. |
V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director is responsible for monitoring and evaluating customer service. |
The local HUD office must provide effective customer service to all of its customers. The Regional Director or Field Office Director is responsible for ensuring excellent customer service is being provided from the entire organization. |
Regional Director or Field Office Director: The RD or FOD is responsible for monitoring and evaluating customer service. This critical function includes assuring that HUD's customers, partners, and clients are greeted with courtesy, respect, promptness, and provided the information they need. |
Customer service includes responses to visitors, callers, and those who correspond via regular or electronic mail. The RD or FOD will establish local procedures, in consultation with Program Directors, to ensure customers are dealt with properly and promptly. These procedures must comply with official office hours of operation, applicable bargaining agreements, and Departmental policies and procedures. |
The RD or FOD tracks, responds to, and analyzes customer satisfaction and service complaints. |
The RD or FOD is responsible for obtaining client and customer feedback; evaluating the feedback to identify trends, service gaps, and opportunities; and leading, in concert with PDs, the development and implementation of strategies to improve customer service. |
Program Directors: Within their program areas, Program Directors will support the development and implementation of strategies to maintain or improve customer service. PDs will participate in office activities to seek and learn from customer/client feedback and input. PDs will share with RD or FOD feedback/input regarding office operations in a timely manner. PDs will participate in and contribute to improvements in local services that respond to client/customer feedback. |
Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. |
Exceptions: No survey of customers may be done in contravention of OMB regulations. |
V. Representation |
Authority: The Regional Director, with concurrence of the General Counsel and the relevant program Assistant Secretary or equivalent, has the authority to enter into co sponsorship agreements. |
Regional Directors: Refer to guidance provided in a letter dated February 21, 2002, from General Counsel, Richard A. Hauser. |
(This authority may not be redelegated.) |
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