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The Council Communication Committee continues their work on a database of AFGE members nationwide. After the database of members is compiled, we will work on the list of bargaining unit employees. Local Presidents will be informed of our progress during the monthly conference calls. If your local hasn't submitted a list, Glenn Brown will kindly remind you. Research on an appropriate web host is being conducted and will be submitted to the Council shortly. Our Committee is happy to welcome Mr. Timothy Oravec, of the Albany NY office, as our newest committee member. As always, Glenn Brown, Tim Oravec and Patty Petry are happy to serve the Council and you.
Do you have an item you would like to see in the e:newsletter? Send us an e:mail, we look forward to hearing from you.
Council 222 Communication Committee |
Management started the CB redeployment negotiations by saying to the Union, "your members should be happy they have jobs and that they and their families weren't bombed by terrorists." Management was insensitive to the needs of both CBs and program staff. But it was very important for them to call this a redeployment. With that as leverage, the Union was able to secure some language for all of our members.
Management has agreed that during the remainder of the fiscal year, they will advertise exclusively to internal applicants 50% of all vacancy announcements for positions above GS-12. The Union proposed 150 upward mobility positions, or about 20% of the support staff work force; Mangement agreed that within 60 days we will work to "achieve a mutually beneficial resolution on the subject of upward mobility."
For CBs and other redeployed staff, Management agreed to have properly classified position descriptions, training, and no involuntary relocation, separation or downgrade. Additionally, they agreed that redeployed staff can seek reassignments and that local Management officials should work to resolve any remaining issues.
The bargaining team hung tough. We told Mangement we would rather sign no agreement than sign an agreement that failed to provide something for all. My thanks to my fellow team members--Clifton Barnhill, Council EVP; Ron Bedoya, DC Field Office; Barry Grier, President, Baltimore; and John Noyes, President, Minneapolis.
A tidbit learned during the "Mobilizing
AFGE Members to Turn Up the Heat" workshop put on by National last
month in DC. When you are on your home computer, go to http://afge.org
(the national AFGE web site). On the home page you will see the icon shown
here. Click on the icon and register to receive legislative, grassroots
and organizing news. National AFGE informed us they now have software that
will soon notify you of news relevant to your geographical area. They are
compiling the database for the software and it should be completed soon.
Why sign up for it from your home computer? There are specific do's and
don'ts concerning lobbying members of congress, urging people to support
or oppose certain legislative initiatives and urging individuals to contact
their lawmakers regarding legislative proposals. Signing up to receive action
news at home eliminates any question of what you can and cannot do. Sign
up to receive news now and in the near future watch the addition of geographically
specific information in your alerts.
3. Newly Designed AFGE "Our Best Homeland Security - Federal
Employees" Posters, Coffee Mugs, Mouse Pads
by Patty Petry
You can find a version of this poster in the
March/April issue of The Government Standard. In the Members Only section
of www.afge.org on the Clip Art page,
you can download both a four-color and black and white version. There is
also a pdf version to download. Contact us if you need assistance finding
and downloading the poster from the website. To order banners, mouse pads,
tote bags and coffee mugs, contact Tony Baltis at Tigereye Design: 1-800-844-3739
e:mail address is: tbaltis@tigereyedesign.com
4. Jackie Terry, Tulsa Office, Named One Of Five Oklahoma Humanitarians Of The Year
The Council Communications Committee wishes
to give recognition to Jackie Terry and congratulate her on receiving a
human rights award March 8. The Oklahoma Human Rights Commission held its
18th annual Human Rights Ceremonies on March 8 with Jackie one of five Oklahomans
honored. She serves as Local President in our Tulsa Field Office. Thanks,
Jackie, for your leadership example! (Here is the article which appeared
in the Black Oklahoma Today on February 25, 2002: http://www.blackoklahoma.com/Articles/humanrights22502.htm.)
5. Union Encourages Support Staff To Apply For Internship Program
On March 22, HUD announced a new Intern
Program. The program is intended to encourage recent college graduates to
apply for positions with HUD. We know that several of our support staff
are college graduates and would qualify for the positions. Please apply
for the positions! We know the vacancy announcement says that this is a
two year term appointment, but we are negotiating with Management to provide
protections to permanent employees who successfully compete for these jobs.
We don't have an agreement yet, but don't let the deadline to apply pass
you by! By the time Management is ready to offer positions, we should know
for sure if we can offer this protection. Good luck!