General information on legislative advocacy and general reference material, as well as specific issues that may require your action. Links which suggest specific action to be taken will have a warning before you open the link.

MF Reorganization

The MF Reorganization has it's own page. Click here to go to it. The link to MF Reorg is also on the home page. Just remember that it originates from this Legislative page.

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General Advocacy Tips

YOU CAN DO THIS! No one can do everything everywhere, but everyone should do something somewhere! The commitment required to be an effective union advocate can be as short as a 1 minute phone call or as long as arranging a visit to an elected official. Here are some tips for being an effective union advocate, organized from most effective to least effective. The commitment required to be an effective union advocate can be as short as a 1 minute phone call or as long as arranging a visit to an elected official. Here are some tips for being an effective union advocate, organized from most effective to least effective. Click on "show" to see the rest of this section.