National Council of HUD Locals



Council 222




November 20, 2003



MEMORANDUM FOR:         Priscilla Lewis, Chief, Labor Relations Branch Labor      Relations, ARHLL



FROM:            Lisa A. Lowery, Co-Chair, AFGE Council 222 Mid-Term Bargaining Committee



SUBJECT:       Demand to Bargain the Proposed Reorganization - Office of Healthy  Homes and Lead Hazard Control (OHHLHC)



This serves as AFGE Council 222 demand to bargain over the proposed reorganization of the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (OHHLHC). Our preliminary proposals are as follows:


1.         Career Ladder Promotions: No employees' career ladder promotion will be affected by this reorganization.


2.         Reduction in Force (RIF): There will be no RIFs as result of this reorganization.


3.         Involuntary Relocations: No employee will be involuntary relocated as a result of this reorganization.


4.         Position Series and Grade: No employee will have his/her position series or grade changed as a result of this reorganization.


5.         Community Outreach Specialist: The vacant position of Community Outreach Specialist will be filled through merit staffing.


6.         Public Health Specialist: The vacant position of Public Health Specialist will be filled through merit staffing.


7.         Implementation Date: The implementation date of this reorganization will not be until after January 31, 2004, due to the performance rating cycle.


8.         GTR Responsibilities: All employees assuming GTR responsibilities will receive training.


9.         GTM Responsibilities: All employees with GTM responsibilities will receive GTM training.


10.       Protocols: Protocols will be developed between OHHLHC, CPD, Housing and PIH for the combined monitoring activities.


11.       Field Healthy Homes Staff Positions: The Healthy Homes Staff positions located in each region in the field will be merit staffed with the position located in any field office within the region.


12.       Vacant Contract Oversight Specialist Positions: All vacant Contract Oversight Specialist positions will be filled as upward mobility positions.


13.       Vacant Technical Assistant Specialist Positions: All vacant Technical Assistant Specialist positions will be filled as upward mobility positions.


The following information is needed before the Union can begin negotiations: Copies of classified position descriptions for all position within the current structure and copies of classified position descriptions for all positions within the proposed structure. These are preliminary proposals only and the union reserves the right to bargain or amend or add proposals in accordance with Article 5. President Carolyn Federoff will notify management of the chief negotiator.