home > enews > February 2002 enews timely alert
The agency has recently published a list of jobs that may be contracted out.
To see if your job is on the line, go to:
OMB has a goal of getting 5% of these jobs contracted this year, 10% of the remaining list next year, 15% of the remaining list the year after that, etc. At that rate, it won't be long before your job is contracted out.
Employees may challenge this list. We have until mid-February to present challenges to the FAIR Act list. If you are interested in working on a challenge, WE NEED YOUR HELP. CONTACT YOUR UNION REPRESENTATIVE or Everett Rothschild, 813/228-2026 x2006, Chairman, Council 222 Contracting Out Committee.
For information on how to file a FAIR Act
challenge, visit the AFGE Website at:
or the OMB Website at: