Reduction in Force - Field Policy and Management
-- Union Demand to Bargain (3.10.25)
Note: Current historical documents on cases may now be loaded in the private area of our website, supplements will continue to be on our Supplements page
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
-- Union Demand to Bargain/Cease and Desist (05.24.24)
CBA Agreement Extension
- - Agreement Extending our 2015 Contract (CBA) to 7.23.2029
CPD Operations Reorganization
The bargaining documents are in the private area
- - Supplement 45 (01.23.24)
OGC Law Mgr Software
-- Union Demand To Bargain (12.4.24)
-- Mgmt Article 49 (11.19.24)
PLUS (Portal and Loan Underwriting System)
For Office of Healthcare Programs and MF
- - Union Demand to Bargain (9.5.24)
- - Article 49 , PLUS overview (both in email dated 08.21.24)
Space Sharing
- - Supplement 48 (12.18.2024)
(see Space Mgmt bargaining below (2023) and Space Mgmt on Grievance Page for Grievance filed in 2023)
- - Union Demand to Bargain (1.24.2024)
- - Mgmt: Article 49 | Space Sharing Implementation | Natl Supp 35 Amendments to Art 57 (docs delivered via email to 222 on 1.16.2024)
Telework Policy Change (Failure to Bargain)
- - Withdrawn (see 12.18.24 Extension of 2015 CBA)
Telework Policy Change in Multifamily (Business Need)
- - Withdrawn (see 12.18.24 Extension of 2015 CBA)
Housing Info Portal (HIP) Implementation
- - Supplement 42 (04.06.23)
LMR Task Force
- - MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) (07.31.23)
Office of General Counsel (OGC) Confidential Financial Disclosure Reporting Requirements
- - Supplement 40 (01.09.23)
ONAP Tribal Reporting Tool Implementation
- - Supplement 43 (04.13.23
eVMS - Public Housing Electronic Voucher Management System
- - Supplement 41
- - Union Demand to Bargain (12.01.22)
- - Article 5 via email (11.16.22)
FHA Resource Center Modernization Project (Phase 1)
- - Withdrawn (see 12.18.24 Extension of 2015 CBA)
- - August 20, 2024 - FLRA Memo to HUD Attny Quill initiating compliance that HUD post a notice to all employees containing this language: “We are distributing the attached Notice to you pursuant to the June 25, 2024, Decision and Order of the Federal Labor Relations Authority in Case No. WA-CA-22-0450.”
Please note that the Agency must comply with the terms of the NTE, including negotiating in
good faith with the Union regarding the FHA Resource Center Modernization Project, Phase 1.
- - August 21, 2024 - FLRA Decision in Favor of the union (WA-CA-22-0450)
July 3, 2024 - FLRA Decision and supporting docs have been loaded in the private area
Complaint filed by the FLRA against the agency for refusing to negotiate in good faith with the Union and violating Section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Statute. The hearing date before an administrative law judge is set scheduled for December 19, 2023.
- - Supplement 37 (10.05.22)
- - Article 49 was sent to Union July 8, 2021
Flexiplace, Amended Telework and Amended Space Management
Council 222 completed their negotiations April 11, 2022. You can find Supplements 33, 34 and 35 on
our Contract Supplements Page.
- - - Union Request for Info (01.26.22)
Flexiplace, Amended Telework and Amended Return to Work Plan
Council 222 has been negotiating for over two months on COVID and return to work issues.
Benefits to bargaining unit include:
1) Employees working under Max Telework will not be required to return to offices during the winter COVID-19 surge;
2) The earliest mgmt may order bargaining unit employees to return to offices
will be March 14, 2022, provided they have given employees 30 day notice;
3) Once Max Telework ends HUD will assess local COVID-19 transmission rates. Agreement includes guidelines for authorizing
full-time telework when transmission rates are at substantial or high levels. The agreement also provides a framework for mgmt and the Union
to continue working together to negotiate pandemic-related issues, including implementation of the vaccines mandate, a new
Flexiplace (remote work/full-time telework) policy, and safety elements related to return to offices.
Negotiating Team:
Chief Negotiator: Council Steward Ricardo Miranda
Regional Vice President Sajid Shahriar
Council Steward Jerry Gross
Council 222 President Sal Viola
- - Supplement 32 (May) (05.25.22)
- - Supplement 32 (02.07.22)
- - Interim Agreement (01.15.2022)
IREMS Robotics Process Automation Tool (RPA)
iREMS Property Assignment Bot: is an automated robotics process to assist field
operations personnel in assigning properties to staff within iREMS. Currently, making
property assignments in iREMS is cumbersome, as multiple steps are required for each individual
change, and many dozens of changes can be required when there are staffing changes. In the new
process, staff may use a simple spreadsheet to identify needed changes, and the bot will click
through all the changes in iREMS automatically. This will save a substantial amount of time for
operations staff. The deployment of this tool will not impact the decision-making or
management of property assignments to individual staff. It only improves the process through which property
assignments are executed in iREMS.
- - Supplement 36 (05.05.22)
- - Article 49 Notice (04.06.22)
Office of Chief Financial Officer (Ft Worth, TX and Washington DC Offices), Reassignment of Affected Employees
to new Position and Divisions, Establishment of Financial Data Reporting and Analysis Division
- - Supplement 39 (12.05.22)
- - Union Demand To Bargain (11.23.22)
- - Article 5 (sent to 222 via email) (11.07.22)
Zscaler Virtual Private Network (VPN) Implementation
- - Supplement 38 (11.28.22)